To The Monster Under My Bed

vama suvani
1 min readMay 5, 2020
credits of the animation to the rightful owner

Dear Monster,

Could you cross the horizon, come to me?

I’ve heard you murmurs deep at night;

When I couldn’t sleep,

were you there in plain sight?

When I dried my tears to sleep,

were you the one in my dreams holding me tight?

Dear Monster,

Why are you a monster?

When the world should;

Would you listen to me,

when nobody else would?

Would you fight for me,

when nobody else could?

Dear Monster.

Are you friends with the closet ghost?

In the secrecy of under the bed;

Do you talk of me?

Have you ever thought of me?

Do you love me?

Have you ever hated me?

Dear monster,

Am I the monster over the bed?



vama suvani

knows a bit about most mythologies, likes to know more about people who died centuries ago a.k.a history